Porcelain Laminate Veneers
Porcelain laminate veneers are a type of restoration that causes the least damage to dental tissue in aesthetic dentistry. While only a little preparation from the front surfaces of the teeth may be sufficient, porcelain laminates can be applied without any preparation in some cases. Structurally, it consists of very thin porcelain leaves. Thanks to the translucency, resistance to discoloration and brightness of the porcelain, very natural and aesthetic results can be obtained. Although porcelain laminates are very thin, their fragility is greatly reduced by a bonding technique called resin bonding. Porcelain laminates are a conservative and aesthetic alternative for people who do not like the shape, structure or color of their teeth. In addition, it gives very successful results in minor tooth fractures and abrasions, correction of gaps between teeth and slight crowding.
In individuals who are suitable for porcelain laminate treatment, a very minimal abrasion is made between 0.5 and 1 mm from the front and cutting surfaces of the teeth. Following the abrasion, impressions are taken from the teeth and sent to the laboratory for production. Porcelain laminates are completed in approximately 5-6 days and are adhered to the teeth with a sensitive technique with special adhesives. Porcelain laminates can be used for a long time without any problems as long as oral care is taken care of and regular controls are made.