Full Ceramic Crowns
As the name suggests, full ceramic crowns are made entirely of ceramic material. Thanks to the translucency and light transmittance of the ceramic, restorations that have a vary natural appearance can be made. Since it is more fragile than metal-supported and zirconia veneers, it can be used on anterior teeth and limitedly on posterior teeth. There are varieties according to the structure of the ceramic (E-max, Empress, In-Ceram, Dicor etc.). The long-term retention of full ceramic crowns in the mouth is possible with the joint work of an experienced dentist and dental ceramicist. It can be used safely in individuals who are allergic to metal, as in zirconia crowns. They are suitable for crowns made on teeth for aesthetic purposes. They are not preferred for bridges made to replace missing teeth, as their fracture strength is not sufficient. The color of full ceramic crowns does not change over time. They can be used for a long time without any problems as long as regular oral care and controls are made. The biggest advantage of these crowns is that they can imitate the optical properties of enamel tooth tissue and thus provide perfect color match and aesthetics.